Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Tech Tuesday Archive 15

Good morning everybody -

I hope you all had a great long weekend.  I will NOT be around after school today, but if you need anything, just shoot me a message.  

There are 2 free conferences available next weekend, one from the comfort of your own couch:

http://edtechnj.com/ I may be going, if you are interested, let me know.

http://studenttechnologyconference.com/page/welcome-informationThis is a student driven, online only conference.  I have no idea what to expect here.  Check it out.

Pre-K - 3rd grade teachers - I found this link really interesting.  See how technology is being used in a Pennsylvania School according to grade level:http://www.edweek.org/ew/qc/2015/what-good-technology-use-looks-like-in.html?cmp=soc-edit-tw&override=web#Home

Also, Elementary teachers: Here is an app I just read about for iPads and on the web to introduce the idea of email to the kids in a safe way.  http://www.maily.com/

Lastly, Google classroom users, there are multiple changes that have occurred over the last couple of months.  Check them all out here: https://support.google.com/edu/classroom/answer/6149237?hl=en

Have a great week, Thanks as always for feedback and questions!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Tech Tuesday Archive 14

Good afternoon everybody -

Happy Tuesday. 1 article, 2 requests and 1 tip today:

ARTICLE: I thought this was a great read on dealing with technology issues as a parent. It recently circulated that Steve Jobs and many other Tech professionals severely limit(ed) their children's time using devices.  Fear can reign down on us, like in so many other areas of our life, about the effects technology is having on our kids' brains.  If you are a 30-40 something, especially with children of your own, give it a read.  If you don't fall into that category I think it's still important as we look at how we treat the use of devices in the classroom.

I know I have stated it multiple times - I think it's important that we sometimes admit that we don't actually know how this technology is going to affect this youngest generation and maybe even admit that it won't necessarily turn them into narcissistic fill-in-the-blanks.  There's tons of stuff my parents did/mentioned when I was younger that I didn't fully appreciate until I was older. So keep pointing out the beauty of the view.

REQUEST 1: I'll be doing a Twitter session on our February 13th in-service (surprise surprise).  In advance of that I'm trying to connect with more of our district personnel that is already using it.  I love seeing everything that is going on around our schools.  If you are on Twitter and not necessarily using the #CHSonegoodthing or other variations, could you reply and tell me your twitter handle?

REQUEST 2: K-5 teachers - what do you need help with? What tech do you primarily use? I realize many, if not all, of my tips are aimed at a secondary audience and I'd like to offer more to you.  Any responses, when you have time, are greatly appreciated.

TIP: Google Docs - great to share stuff, not so cool when you're trying to make something look nice.  Formatting stinks and there's not a ton of options.  If you want to go crazy with fonts, you know, maybe spice up the lesson plans a little, then go to "Add Fonts" at the bottom of the font menu while in docs.  Just don't submit your lesson plans in "Wing Dings" and blame me ;)

As always, questions, comments, and concerns are welcome!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Tech Tuesday Archive 13

Hello and #HappyNewYear!

I hope everybody had a fantastic break and is ready to try out lots of tech in the new year.  First things first -  the Twitter contest.  I can't tell you how psyched I am to see the explosion of activity #CHSonegoodthing has brought to my Newsfeed.  To think that in the first four months of school, the sharing has spread from the high school, to students, to buildings and grounds, to our administrators (yes EVEN Mr. Hamrick is using it!) and throughout the rest of the district - it is really phenomenal.  With reminders everywhere of the negative forces in education (especially wearing red sweaters and hugging Jerry Jones) it's great to read all the positive things happening in each of your lives here at Collingswood.  If you haven't searched it yet, you should really check out all the great stuff happening in our schools:

Congrats to the 3 winners (too many tweets - had to share the love) of the contest: Mr. McKinney, Mr Fieldman and Ms. Whitman.  I definitely know more about our bowling program, the vocational classes and Ms. Whitman's English class "cherubs" than I ever would have before! Keep the tweets coming and try to join a twitter chat when you get a chance.

On that note, tonight begins a twitter book chat about "Teach like a Pirate" by Dave Burgess.  The book is constantly praised and discussed by educators on Twitter with the hashtag #tlap.  If one of your goals/new years resolutions is to "become more passionate, creative and fulfilled" in your life as an educator, then tune in to Twitter tonight from 8-9 with the hashtag #bfctlap.  I believe tonight is really just an introduction and next Tuesday begins Chapter 1 so you have time to pick up the book if you would like :http://www.amazon.com/?tag=localmart-20

Another tip: Exittix.com is a great resource for Do Nows, practice and exit tickets - You can add all your students, post questions daily as an opener or as an exit ticket and instantly see the results of who is struggling or who is succeeding.  Check it out.

As always, please don't hesitate to send me any thoughts, problems or questions.  I'd be glad to help.