I realized after writing my email last week that in my sleep deprived stupor, I never formally announced the birth of my and Kathy's son, Finn Thomas Whalen. In the world of Facebook and texting I just figured everybody knew the details. Mom and baby are doing well. So well, in fact, that they hang out all night together! So as a proud papa, I'm including my (most recent) favorite picture of the little guy.
So, what's new for technology this week? Today, I'll be doing a tech Tuesday on 2 assessment tools to help with grading work that is submitted to you electronically. I mentioned the first to my science colleagues yesterday - Doctopus and Goobric. It takes a little work to start using but once you are set up it makes grading work that you have on your computer very simple, using rubrics. English teachers, especially, if you like using Rubrics, and you are using chromebooks, you will benefit from this tool. As usual if you have other concerns please come by and ask and I'll do my best to help you out.
The second tool is called Kaizena and its really cool. If you tire from constantly writing comments on students' work, this is a nice change of pace. Kaizena allows your students to submit their work directly to you electronically and allows you the ability to add voice comments that the students can then review later.
Tech Tips:
-Twitter challenge! Yes, I'd like to get more of you on Twitter. I'm not giving up! Starting after Thanksgiving through Christmas break, I'm going to run a contest for anybody who sends out a tweet. Winner gets a gift card somewhere. I promise. Those of you who were close to joining Twitter, but never did, or those that still would like to, please see me at a tech Tuesday or another time that you have free. It is easy and takes very little time and I would argue it has the potential to provide the best professional development you can get.
-Thank you to Jeanine Motta - great resource for free videos, check it out: http://www.watchknowlearn.org/
- Great new extension I discovered this morning: Search the chrome web store for "OneTab ": If you have tons of tabs open, it will collapse them into 1 without losing anything and free up a lot of memory for you. Good stuff.
Lastly, just wanted to say hey to the middle school - I'm including you in this message in case it proves helpful. I have to touch base with Mr. Saul but wanted to start including you in what I'm sending out right now.
If you are coming today, we will probably meet across the hall from my classroom as there is another meeting in my classroom today.
Thanks for listening, have a great day and enjoy the 4 day break
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