Sit back, kick back and indulge in all the tech greatness in this week's email! As always, I'm available after school today, room 121, for panther college credit, to go over google apps, classroom, Twitter, kaizena , doctopus /goobrics or anything you have questions about. No question too big or too small. Come by and say hi! Also a big welcome to our Oaklyn colleagues - I hope these tech emails give you some helpful advice.
Tech Tips:
1. On Saturday, I attended EdcampNJ, and it was really awesome. If you follow me on Twitter, my feed was lit up as I tried to quote all the great stuff people were dishing out. Teachers and administrators alike had a great day together. If you've never heard of an Edcamp , check out this page from Edcamp Philly: While not entirely tech related, there is a lot of tech encouraged. I'm already registered for another in South Jersey in March - I would love if some of you would join me! Also, special ed teachers, I heard of one specifically devoted to special ed , and you may want to check it out:
2. This is a phenomenal resource that I've used a few times. The creator, Jeff Bradbury, did a presentation on Saturday and he lives and breathes this stuff. Check his blog and video resources if you want almost any kind of How-to for educational tech stuff.
3. Twitter PSA - Do you know the difference between a tweet and a direct message?? A direct message is NOT public, like a text to that individual. Everything else you write on Twitter is completely and utterly PUBLIC. Apparently the Twitter CFO still needs this lesson...
4. I mentioned last week the #hourofcode. The tech department and I have discussed trying to host this global initiative during Computer Science Education Week, December 8-14. Click the link and watch the video: I've also attached an information sheet about the initiative. We would love to get as much participation as possible.
Lastly, the tech department has graciously put together some of their own tips for all of you. See below for a message from Chad Meyers and avail yourself of the google group they have created for us.
If I don't see you, I hope you all have a chance for some relaxing time with your loved ones this week. Even I will shut down and stop tweeting for a few days
Hi all!
This week IT is carving a small space out of Dan's Tech Tuesday for a few updates.
For those of you with short attention spans:
1. Chrome opens a new program for every new tab. Try closing some of them if you are experiencing slowness. Use SHIFT+ESC while in Chrome to see what is eating up your system resources.
2. We're pushing out a Chrome browser update this week. You will need to restart in-district and you should receive it.
3. Have questions? Ask questions, get answers, and discuss anything technical with Colls IT in our Google Group "Ask IT"-
First in this list is a power tip for the Chrome browser and Chromebooks. Chrome opens a separate process for each running window, tab, extension, and plugin for stability and security reasons. The downside to this functionality is increased memory usage. If your computer seems slow, you may just have too many Chrome windows/tabs open. Try closing some to speed up your browsing. You can see all of the resources Chrome is using by selecting a browser window and then holding SHIFT and pressing ESC. You can even close them right from this new window by selecting the process and clicking "End Process."
Second to note-- A Chrome browser update will be pushed down to your laptops over the next week or so. There are security fixes and a battery life update in the newer version, which were much needed. Please be patient if your computer takes a little longer to boot up while it installs this necessary update.
Finally, the IT Department is happy to invite you to our Google Group "Ask IT!" Please feel free to ask any IT or tech-related questions that may be outside of the scope of curriculum-use. We hope you take the opportunity to learn from and participate in any discussions that crop up, but even if you don't, the information gathered will benefit you in the form of a FAQ we'll be posting once we have enough info.
Here's the link:
... And a shorter version:
Thanks and have a great Thanksgiving!
~Chad Meyers
IT Dept, Collingswood Public Schools