Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Tech Tuesday Archive 11

Tech Tuesday after school help will be pushed to tomorrow as I have a meeting.

Tech Tips:

-Twitter Contest continues! https://www.smore.com/s2hbh 1 more week to go! I'll draw a winner next monday.  So many more tweeters over the past couple weeks and I've seen a lot of things that are going on that I would never hear of otherwise.  

-If you are using Chromebooks - try to enforce a couple things with the students:
1.  Individual users should log in and out of the computer.  I've had several students who have siblings obviously using the computers at home, but logging in to gmail and other google services while the primary student is still logged into the Chromebook.  This is causing issues when the students are trying to log in to certain google services.
2.  Tell the kids to restart their chromebooks once in a while! Some kids seem to have no idea that there is a power button and, very honestly, restarting once in a while solves a lot of common issues.
3.  When using an app, if there is the ability to log in using their google login (Like a blue/red "G" button next to a facebook/twitter button) then you should tell the kids to do that.  It makes logging in during future sessions much easier.

- This article made the rounds on social media a few weeks ago, you may have seen it: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/cris-rowan/10-reasons-why-handheld-devices-should-be-banned_b_4899218.html
-But if you do read it, I encourage you to also read this response: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/lisa-nielsen/10-reasons-why-the-resear_b_5004413.html  
As a science teacher, I believe we can't promote ideas that aren't properly researched.  Extreme headlines get attention, unfortunately, whether it is our students reading or our peers.

I'm as guilty as the next person for thinking cell phones, video games, etc have a negative effect on the younger generation.  But when I sit back and see my 8 year old doing his spelling homework on an iPad and he wants to do it 3 extra times just to get a faster time, or when he knows more geography than I do because he's been managing his soccer team on FIFA '15, or he talks to his cousin, daily, who he would normally see every couple months, I see the flip side to these arguments.  We can't get caught up demonizing those things that are foreign to us.  At some point we have to embrace the change and realize it's not so much that its a difficulty to face, but something new that we have to learn more about.

As always, questions, comments, and concerns are welcome!
Have a great week everybody! See you on the Twitter!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Tech Tuesday Archive 10

Shortest email yet (I can sense the sigh of relief)

Hour of Code - Hope it is going well.  More videos popping up daily and a whole section in the Apple App store as well (Likely on Android's too, if you're one of those...;) Share those successes on....

TWITTER: The contest is underway and some are Tweeting their way to the top! What contest you ask? THIS one: https://www.smore.com/s2hbh

For simplicity (read: my sanity) I'm only counting original tweets, not retweets.

One more week to go - the more you Tweet, the more chances you have to win!! Elementary teachers and Oaklyn - would love to see you join! Use those hashtags #CHSonegoodthing #CPSonegoodthing #OPSonegoodthing

rollcollsbowl 6
MsYucis 5
CollsArt 5
WonderWhitman 5
rsmithcms 4
mrfieldmanchs 4
CHSgraphix 4
PierceCollsDeca 3

And a bunch more with 1-2 tweets.  Keep em coming!    

Tip: Thanks to Mr McKinney! ListenCurrent.com - FANTASTIC resource with current events, do nows, lesson plans, assessments tied to Socrative and short radio episodes the kids can listen to.

Have a fantastic Tuesday! I'll be in 121 after school today for help.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Tech Tuesday Archive 9

I heard a rumor people needed Cliffnotes to get through the last email so I'm attempting to make things a bit more concise.

I'm out today, so I'll be available tomorrow after school for tech questions.  I've heard a lot about organizing your google drive and managing the huge amount of documents that are being shared with you.  I will try to offer you some advice.


1.  Hour of code is coming next week - more info to follow.  Would love as many people to try this as possible!

2.  Thanks to Chuck Karns for this - thinking of going paperless? There are lots of apps available on your smartphone that will "scan" documents by using your camera and converting them to pdfs.  I started using "genius scan" from the apple apps store and it's very easy - and you can easily share directly to your google drive.  

3.  December Twitter Contest - Loads of you have joined Twitter and it's been awesome to see.  Many of you were right on the cusp, but never took that last step - in an effort to encourage continued growth and participation, I'm offering this contest for the month.  Keep tweeting or finally join and you're entered for a prize to be given out just before Winter break. For those not in the high school, we've been using the hashtag #CHSonegoodthing and it's been great to see all the positive moments happening in our school.  I encourage all the elementary teachers to use the tag #CPSonegoodthing and the Oaklyn teachers to use #OPSonegoodthing.

Details for the contest can be found at this online flyer I created using Smore, a really easy service you may want to try to make online flyers:

Questions? Feedback? I'd love to hear from you.

Happy Tuesday all, see you online,